Monday, September 29, 2014

Topic 1

1) I think the hardest guideline for me to follow/remember will be to consider my audience. I've never run a blog before and don't really plan to continue this one after it is graded (although that might change), so I think I'll be writing more for myself than anyone else, and any readers of my blog may take offense to that. Also, I'm not sure how well I'll respond to criticism, positive or otherwise.

2a) Digital citizenship is when a person makes use of social networking sites or other forms of information-sharing online to engage in social/political/artistic/etc. conversations/projects.

2b) The responsibility of a digital citizen is to use the internet responsibly, to know whether what they're writing is right or wrong. They should exhibit intelligent, thought-out behavior online and make good choices when using technology overall.


3) Hannah Cromwell isn't a very unique name on a worldwide scale, so I got a lot of results on Google when I put in my name. Further attempts to find myself through the addition of keywords like "California," "High School," ect. resulted in some links concerning myself, mainly my Facebook page (which I never use) and my E-mail address. I really don't have all that much of a digital footprint, it seems, and I'm happy to keep it that way.


  1. Great post! You answered all of the questions but you forgot to title your post. I'm not sure if it is required but you may wan't to give your post a title just so one day if you decide to return to your blog you'll have an easier time navigating it. Also I wouldn't worry about negative feedback, in my blogging experience I've yet to have anyone from outside the class actually comment on my blog. If by chance anyone does leave a nasty comment there's an option to block them from commenting too. Don't stress and have fun!

  2. Cool that you are so aware of the people that will be looking at your blog, it could help in the future if you make a bigger more public blog. Don't worry here though! mostly students :)

  3. there will always be people with different opinions than you so responding to criticism should not be fear for you. The best thing to do is to ignore it and write to those it appeals to.

  4. Good thinking. Please, please add Topic 3 to the title of your post.
