Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Topic 4

     1)What is "fair use?"
     The Copyright Act gives copyright holders the exclusive right to reproduce works for a limited time period. Fair use is a limitation on this right. Fair use allows people other than the copyright owner to copy part or, in some circumstances, all of a copyrighted work, even where the copyright holder has not given permission or objects.

      2) How does fair use fit with copyright law?
      Copyright law embodies a bargain. It gives copyright holders a set of exclusive rights for a limited time period as an incentive to create works that ultimately enrich society as a whole. In exchange for this limited monopoly, creators enrich society by, hopefully, contributing to the growth of science, education and the arts.

A Creative Commons License is a kind of online tool that gives everyone--from individual creators to large companies and institutions--a "simple, standardized way to grant copyright permissions to their creative work." This is an important thing for any potential writer/artist to know about.

Two images I might use in my book trailer:

Wolf / German Shepherd puppies - Price: 500.00

Picture of a timber wolf/German Shepard mix. There's one of these in my book. This was one of the clearer, more candid-looking photos I found, so I decided to use this one.

Brodersen, Bonnie. Wolf / German Shepherd Puppies - Price: 500.00 for Sale in Denison, Illinois. Digital image. bestpetsonline 2014. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.

One of the crucial clues the characters find that kickstarts the novel's plot are a pair of old military dog tags. A girl also finds them, and the picture shows and girl's hand.

Liftarn. Dog Tags. Digital image. Wikipedia 18 Dec. 2005. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.

Full Size Image

A large portion of the book takes place on Loggerhead Island, off the coast of Maine, which hosts a scientific research institution and a colony of monkeys.

Kevin Oke / All Canada Photo / Universal Images Group
Rights Managed / For Education Use Only

1 comment:

  1. Very detailed post, Good job connecting the story so well with the pictures. That puppy is also adorable!
